What do students do in the summer? Here are some exciting summer activities for students! While your studies will occupy a lot of your time, at times of the year such as the summer, you may find yourself with a sudden abundance of free time that you are free to spend on activities separate from your studies. Taking this opportunity to make the world a better place can be a great way to supplement the life experiences you are able to get from studying, plus have so much fun in the process! Whether you are looking for what to do in the summer after first year of university, or what to do in the summer before you start college, here are the coolest summer activities and volunteering ideas for students!
Volunteering Locally
It can be tempting to look far from home when you want to volunteer or do charity work, though most cities and towns have plenty of good causes that are much closer to home. Options like this can provide a great opportunity for you to improve the community you are part of. You can find some examples of this sort of work below, and many of the options available will fit in very well with your studies.
Soup Kitchens
Homelessness may be decreasing in many parts of the world, but it is still a very big problem. Soup kitchens and other services can help people like this to get food, clothing, and other essentials, and you can offer your time to work with places like this to make sure that they help people in need.
Animal Shelters
Much like people, you will almost always be able to find animals in need of help and support. Animal shelters are able to provide the help that animals need, but they will rely on the support of volunteers to ensure that they can offer this help.
Thrift Stores
While many thrift stores are private ventures, some are operated by charities. This can give you the chance to volunteer in a position that will enable you to gain good work experience while also doing some good in your local area. Many students find this is a good way to make new friends.
Volunteering Overseas
Most students have long breaks throughout the year which give them the chance to go home and have a break from learning. You can use these breaks as a way to get yourself overseas, and there are plenty of ways to volunteer and do good when you want to travel the world. But how exactly can you do good in different countries?
Volunteering On Projects
There are a lot of charitable organizations in the world that offer the opportunity for normal people to volunteer on global projects. Looking for volunteer projects Tanzania is a great way to see this part of the world, though you can choose from loads of different countries when you approach something like this.
Emergency Aid & Support
Natural disasters and other emergencies are happening all the time around the world. In many cases, people will come from around the globe to help in these scenarios, acting as aid workers or providing other skills. This is something that any student can do, though it can be more dangerous than the other options in this article.
You don’t always have to make your charitable efforts into something that you work on long-term when you’re approaching something like this. Fundraising can be easy when you are a student, as you will have a lot of other students around you who will be willing to pitch in and help out with the effort you’re making.
Holding bake sales, taking on challenges, and creating competitions are just a few of the ways that you can approach something like this. Depending on your university or college, you may have able to host this fundraising on campus, giving you the chance to expose your efforts to loads of people. It’s crucial that you make it very clear that you are fundraising for a specific cause, giving people the chance to choose whether or not they want to help you out.
You will need to make sure that you have permission to host something like this if you decide to do it on campus. Most educational establishments will be happy with this, and may even offer support to make the process easier for you. Doing this sort of fundraising can have a positive impact on your ability to find work when you finish your studies, along with giving you the chance to do something positive.
Charitable Societies
While it isn’t the same at every college or university, many students have the option to join societies or clubs when they first get started with their studies. The odds are that there are societies at your school that will focus on doing charity work, and they will be happy to accept new members with open arms.
Many people find that they are able to achieve a lot more when they work with other people, especially when they are trying to approach things like charity.
It’s also a really good chance to invite people from different political groups and backgrounds to get involved who might normally feel rejected from the cause and from groups such as these. It often turns out that politics and other issues can make it hard for people to come together, but a charity event can unite people and mean that different kinds of people can let their guard down and learn more from each other than they ever would normally, they can be beneficial in so many ways. Reaching out to others who are different from you, especially if they are different from you, is an amazing way to make a real difference as we all bring different skills to the table and they will be more likely to listen and emphathise with you and vice versa.
Get super organised!
Use this time to plan the entireity of your next academic year and add in lots of fun things you love to do too, such as any social events or college parties, any hobbies or groups you want to join. This is such a fun activity if you love making lists, you could draw up a budget for each week or month or even make some meal plans, buy yourself an adorable new girly college planner and use all the cute stationery to get all the hard and awkward tasks out of the way, such as your student finances, so you can just focus straight on your studies come the new academic year.
I’m not a student but these are some great tips for students during the summer. ♥
Aw thank you Michelle! I hope you are having a lovely summer 😀 ♡
These are such wonderful suggestions! An excellent way to give back and get organized!
Aw thank you so much Shannon! You are so kind 😀 ♡